AP Tutoring & AP Classes
AP private lessons (AP tutoring) and AP courses (AP group lessons) are given by our experienced AP tutors. While our group lessons start in August each year, you can start taking private lessons whenever you want.
Our AP tutoring programs have an average of 4.7
Advanced Placement offers some of the most difficult courses you can encounter in high school. You should also be prepared to perform at your best on exam day as they are administered only once a year. Test Prep AP tutoring programs provide an in-depth study of the course material, helping you gain a basic understanding of the concepts to be tested on the exam and reinforce what you've learned in class. Let Test Prep's experienced AP instructors give you the edge you need to take AP exams and submit outstanding college applications. Get accepted to the schools of your dreams by taking 5 from the exams.
Personal AP Program
In the AP Tutoring program, students can choose a suitable time frame and create their own schedule. Depending on the student's demand, we can also create a fixed schedule.
Global AP Tutoring Team
Test Prep, which operates worldwide, connects you with AP teachers all over the world through ap private lessons with its online lessons. This is the main reason why our students have an average of 4.7 out of 5.
Robert Kolej’de okuyan oğlumun arkadaşlarının tavsiyesine kulak verip derslere başladık ve son derece memnun kaldık Öğrenci takibi, öğretmenlerin bilgili olması ve gerçekten güzel bir bilgilendirme ile başladığımız dönemi 5 tane 5 ile bitirdik. Bu sayede oğlum şimdi London School of Economics'te okuyor. Bir öğrenci velisi olarak oğlumun böyle bir yerde emin ellerde olduğunu bilmek gerçekten çok rahatlatıcı.
AP courses we offer
We have a team of AP teachers who specialize in AP curriculum to address each student's strengths and weaknesses.
Sign up for AP tutoring packages and not be affected by price changes
TestPrep's online AP tutoring team focuses on maximizing student scores. For this reason, we have developed AP tutoring packages that cover all topics, tips and shortcuts, aiming for rapid and robust development.

Don't miss the opportunity of 2 installments in private lesson packages.
Pricing & DetailsTake your AP prep one step further
TestPrep provides a large collection of prep materials for the best AP preparation. We are experts in AP exams as we have over 10 years of experience!
Do not be late to start AP courses!
We recommend that students start preparation as early as possible in order to get the full benefit of the AP preparatory courses. We pave the way for the score of 5 with the preparation programs and fixed AP course options that we have created for the students. For our students who want to start later, we create the most suitable AP private lesson program that will enable them to be successful in the exam.
All AP Topics from Begining to End
AP Tutor Profile
Kaliteli eğitim kadrosu sayesinde farkını gösteren ve yönlendirmelere kulak asan herkesin 5 alacağı tek kurs. AP özel ders ya da grup ders farketmez, size her konuda destek olacaklardır. Çok sıcak bir ortam ve çok tatlı hocalarıyla AP dersi almak benim için bir zevkti
Our online AP courses are equipped with the latest technologies
Our online education gives students access to our unrivaled team of international teachers. So students can get the best support for them wherever they are. With the Test Prep Online infrastructure, AP tutor students can share audio, video, slides, chat and screen in real time. From drawing graphs to writing chemical equations to the flexibility and responsiveness of online workspaces, we allow students and teachers to explore in detail together.

Multiple Choice Question Solutions
AP grup derslerine katıldığım için gerçekten çok şanslıyım çünkü kontenjanları temmuz ayında dolmuş ve ben son anda kayıt yaptırmıştım. Keşke geçen sene de TestPrep’ten ders alsaymışım dedim gerçekten. Bu sene Kimya ve Calculus BC derslerini alıyorum. Gerçekten konuya çok hakim öğretmenler var ve geçen sene daha ucuz diye tercih ettiğim başka yerin neden daha ucuz olduğunu anlayabiliyorum. Eğer yurt dışında okuma gibi hedefiniz varsa, ne olursa olsun TestPrep’i tercih edin arkadaşlar. Düşük fiyata ders alıp 3 almak, aslında size daha pahalıya mal olur! Şimdiye kadarki tüm desteği için Ender Bey’e ve hocalarıma çok teşekkür ediyorum.
Comprehensive AP courses preparation program for students in schools that implement the AP curriculum
While we prepare our students who study AP curriculum at schools such as Robert College, Açı Schools, Hisar Schools, Üsküdar American High School and TED College for the May exams, we help them increase their school grades with AP private lessons. Thanks to our comprehensive preparation programs, you can reach the highest scores. Prepare for the exam with pre-exam camps, question and solution sessions closest to the exam, and sample exams prepared by our teachers.