5-star Rated

Live Online Test Prep Courses Tutoring by Experienced Tutors

Unit-focused prep course program delivered by our experienced tutoring team. Prepare for exams by reviewing all topics and solving mock exams. The exam prep courses are designed to enable students to progress in the best way possible.


International Education Quality via Online, Istanbul, London & USA Offices
Increase your scores by online tutoring and prep courses
Match with the Test Prep tutor that’s right for you
Student satisfaction guarantee that will make you feel safe.
Our Prep Courses & Tutoring

TestPrep's Preparation Services

Lesson options where you can take both private lessons and group lessons


Our Team

TestPrep's instructors in all programs are selected from professionals with significant training experience.


In the private lesson program, you can choose a suitable time frame and create your own schedule.


Learn the entire syllabus, learn permanently with mock exams and problem solving sessions at the end of the course.


In order to achieve the highest efficiency, group lessons are held in online classes with a maximum of 6 students.
Premium Support

Drive your private lessons to the online platform

One-on-one lessons tailored to the student’s needs, level, and goals. Online tutoring sessions are especially popular with students who need to reach their best in a short time. In a short time improve your scores, understand the curriculum, and gain the confidence to apply your knowledge to exams.

TestPrep's Private Tutoring Options

Start improving your grades today

Alanında uzman öğretmen kadromuz, öğrencilere sınav stratejileri ve zamanı verimli kullanma konusunda da rehberlik etmektedir.
14+ sene deneyimli öğretmenler
Alanında ders veren öğretmenler
Sınava en yakın ders materyalleri
İlk dersinizi planlamak için bize ulaşın
Programınızı onaylayın
Online derslere katılın
Elite Teachers

You take lessons from our internationally experienced teachers

Personal Schedule

In the private lesson program, students can choose a suitable time frame and create their own schedule. Depending on the student's demand, we can also create a fixed schedule.

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Experienced Tutoring Team

TestPrep instructors are selected from professionals with significant experience in the educational environment. Our teachers are recognized teachers with top-notch skills.

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Test Prep IB student – Emir K.

For years I have always been biased towards online lessons. I broke this prejudice thanks to the online lessons Test Prep made on its own infrastructure. I attended both group courses and private lessons and it was much more beneficial than taking lessons in the office. If you have prejudices against online courses, I think you can beat it with the Test Prep infrastructure.
Discover the online lessons
Prep Courses

Economic and interactive learning with group courses

Unit-oriented prep program delivered by our experienced tutor team. Prepare for exams by reviewing all topics and solving mock exams.

All topics
Mock exams
6-student classes
Watch the lesson recordings
FREE! problem-solving lessons
To register for group classes immediately, you can visit the relevant course page.
Enroll in the class appropriate for your level and attend classes that cover all the topics of the exam you want to take. Repeat the topic with regular assignments after each lesson.
Evaluate your level with practice exams at the end of the courses. Increase your score in a short time with mock exams created according to levels!
For maximum efficiency, group courses are taught in online classes of 6 students. Students learn effectively through collaborative discussions as they progress faster through mutual exchange of ideas.
Register. Plan. Join. Learn. Revise! *

Online Homework and Practice Tests

All assignments are handed over to the student immediately after class. Evaluate yourself with online practice tests and increase your scores easily. Get used to the test format and test yourself against the clock.

Multi-user Whiteboard

With the multi-user whiteboard, you can draw, edit and share in real time with your classmates and teacher. With the interactive studying environment, you will not have any questions in your mind.
Start preparation today!

Join us and raise your scores and grades today

5.0 Google Puanı

Group courses & private tuition comments by our students

Advanced exam preparation with a team of experienced teachers

All Google Comments
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Pes ettigim anlarda tekrar motive etmek için ellerinden geleni yapan, hocaların derslerde anlamadığım her şeyde bıkmadan üstünde durduğu, her kapıdan girdigimde guler yuzle karşılandığım, her türlü kaynak deneme ile desteklendiğim yurt dışı eğitimi için hazırlayan tek yer. Gezdiğim bir çok yurtdışı eğitim veren yerden sonra böyle sıcak bir ortama girebilme şansını bulmuş olmak beni çok mutlu ediyor.

Cemre B.
Test Prep SAT öğrencisi

I registered for online SAT classes. As soon as I registered, Ender helped me in setting up a class with my instructor. My instructor is Ahmad. He helped me in understanding clearly the perfect strategy for all SAT scales. He easily identified my weaknesses and we worked together to improve them, especially my reading skills. He was very positive and patient with me in the reading section as I struggled with this skill. I am very happy to be instructed by Ahmed as my instructor and highly recommend him. Thank you, Ahmad, Ender, and all TestPrep staff, and appreciate what you did for me.

Kadeem Mughrabi
TestPrep SAT Student

Hem IB hem de SAT dersi aldığım, tüm hocaların oldukça ilgili ve deneyimli olduğu, uygun ücretlerle kaliteli eğitimin verildiği kurum. Kurumun iki senelik öğrencisi olarak herkese tavsiye ederim.

Ecem Ş.
TestPrep IB/SAT Öğrencisi

Öğretmenler son derece ilgililer. Gireceğim sınava ilk karar verdiğimde başka bir ülkenin sınavına hazırlandığım için kaynak sıkıntısı çeker miyim diye endişelenmiştim. Fakat öğretmenler bütün kaynakları sağlıyorlar. Hiçbir şekilde kaynak bulma sıkıntısı çekmedim. AP sınavına hazırlanmaya 11. sınıfta başladığım için bazı konularda eksiklerim vardı. Müfredata tam olarak başlamadan önce öğretmenlerle beraber eksiklerimi giderdik. Bu anlamda da asla endişeniz olmasın. Online eğitimin nasıl olduğu hakkında şüpheleriniz ve endişeleriniz varsa şunu söyleyeyim; öğretmenlerin hepsi çok iyi bir şekilde hakimiyeti sağlıyor. Asla yüzyüze olmadığı için dersten kopar mıyım, dikkatim dağılır mı diye düşünmeyin

Selin Y.
TestPrep AP Öğrencisi

About TestPrep

Since we have been in the education field for more than 10 years, we can help you get better. At Test Prep, we use innovative strategies and efficient training methods to meet the needs of students with different dreams. Well-researched and effective prep course design for all tests, not crowded classrooms with excellent class/student ratio, tightly monitored classroom layout, regular information sharing, and evaluations are the most important privileges of Test Prep. We review all strategies for your success in the exam. We also provide a large number of mock exams and prep course materials that improve your skills. With the tips we give, we help you to be prepared for every obstacle you will encounter in the exam.

Preparation for International Exams
Test Prep is a leading standardized test preparation and overseas education consultancy firm. We help our students get admission to the universities of their dreams. Apart from education consultancy, we also prepare our students for many standardized tests such as IB, AP, PROFICIENCY, GRE, GMAT, SAT, ACT, IELTS, TOEFL, BMAT, UKCAT, LSAT, LNAT.

With over 10 years of experience, we strive to provide top quality “exam preparation courses”. While we create a suitable profile for each student, we also observe the entire application process of our students. International Standardized tests are part of the route that gets you to the schools of your dreams.
Admissions Consultancy
Our Admissions Consultancy services are provided by our experts with the following characteristics:
  • Evaluates the student's interests and helps them make appropriate career plans.
  • Guiding students through the long and tedious application process.
  • Help create a strong profile for each student.
  • Although Test Prep's instructors have a diverse professional and academic career, they have one goal. This goal: Helping students to realize their future dreams. We want to create team leaders. We want to help students realize their competencies.
First-class Projects

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